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cost of natural resources中文是什么意思

用"cost of natural resources"造句"cost of natural resources"怎么读"cost of natural resources" in a sentence


  • 自然资源成本


  • It hasn ’ t been more than several dozens yeas after the appearance of industrial symbiosis , but it has shown great advantage in promoting the economic efficiency , cutting down the cost of natural resources and protecting the local environment
  • It has n ' t been long after the appearance of industrial symbiosis , but it has shown great advantage in promoting the economic efficiency , cutting down the cost of natural resources and protecting local environment . after pointing out the state of development of industrial symbiosis , this article summarizes the main problem that is the stability
  • The sustained development theory which rose in china and spread worldwide in the 70 ' & 80 " of twenty century is a new strategic theory . it is the deep examination of conscience of excessive consumption of cost of natural resources and environment in the historic course of the progress of human being and it is an indication of the great concern of the future development of mankind
    可持续发展作为一种于20世纪70 、 80年代兴起,并风靡于全球的发展新理念,既是对人类历史发展过程中透支资源成本、环境成本所付出的沉重代价的深刻反思,又表达了人类对自身发展未来的终极关怀。
用"cost of natural resources"造句  
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